Monday, April 13, 2009

The Decline And Fall Of Christian America... Yes... but No.

the article that we posted previously from newsweek about the decline of Christianity in America is coming out on the cover of Newsweek. Dan Kimball wrote a very positive and uplifting response on his blog:

Vintage Faith

I am posting some highlights from Dan's blog below:
[Dan Kimball]
I just read the cover story article of Newsweek which is coming out on the 13th. It is titled " The decline and fall of Christian America The cover looks gloomy almost like a horror film with an all black background and red letters.

So I think maybe there is a decline of a certain shape and sub-culture(s) of "Christian America" as the article states. But at the same time, there is a rising and surging of missional church leaders, church planters, and Christians who have already recognized that we are in a "post-Christian" America as the article states. But that recognition has simply fueled creativity, prayer and passion for mission and because God is God, people are coming to a saving faith in Jesus.

I am so optimistic for the future and have great hope. Yes, there is a "decline and fall" as the article states of certain types of "Christianity" and church perhaps. But there is also a rising and churches and Christians who are rethinking what it means to be "be the church" and to be the church on mission.
Perhaps in 5 years or 10 years we will see another article "The Rise of Rebirthing of The Church In America". A different kind of church perhaps. But oh my, what wonderful, crazy and hopeful times we are actually in.

Go here to read the entire post by Kimball


John M. said...

I like Kimbel's take. The fact is, that the Church, the Body of Christ and God's Kingdom will not go away, although it may morph. The sorting out of politics and causes and Christianity is a good thing in the long-run. It all depends which local church or what segment of the church you're looking at whether you see decline or increase. The decline in people listing themselves as Christians and the increase in those putting no religion, can be seen as negative or postitive depending on who is evaluating.

Laurel Long said...

I am impressed with the amount of effort that has gone into this article; it only rehashes American history: it is repetitive to say the least. Impressive effort does not always produce what we want it to.
Though I am impressed I object to more than a few of the assertions made in the article; mainly that Western Civilization equals Christianity. It does not! It is never said specifically, only implied. That argument is best left for another discussion.
Please forgive me if I sound smug but I cannot abide the pretensions of religious leaders who collaborate with worldly ones for the sake of nodding only a little respectfully at the season of Easter/Resurrection for the sake of an assignment or for the appropriate display of professional religious introspection. It makes good copy.
I would love to respond to each and every paragraph, challenge several opinions and assertions, defend my perspective with passions and rigor, and disable this pseudo-religious diatribe that would like to actually be a self fulfilling prophecy; never underestimate the power of suggestion, especially when it is "well documented." My intellectual energies are stirred but at this time I am inclined to subdue their humble capacities and answer the whole article with a song: a song that has just been released by Avalon called "You ARE STill MY God." This may be an evasion of good intellectual conversation, but right now I am in no mood for carnal prowess, just plain faith is all I can offer.
If you are interested in hearing this song, which I think has just been released only this week, log onto It is powerful and answers every question and failure of our generation and hope that we have still now and for our children and the generation that is to follow us. I will let this one time a song speak for me.
He is still my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!