Thursday, January 21, 2010


ok, getting kinda quiet in here. While we continue pondering the value of listening to those we desire to serve, go check out some of the new humor I have posted on my humor blog


I continue posting funny stuff (at least for me) and very occasionally Billy Long posts one of his gems. If you have any good material, send it along to me. It is amazing the power that good humor has for healing and restoration.

speaking of which, did you hear about the old Calvinist who fell down the steps? After he got up and dusted himself off, he said "I'm glad that is over with."


Joseph Holbrook said...

"Support bacteria. They're the only culture most people have."

ok -- I have lost the "posting" touch ... batter up Brian!

Brian Emmet said...

Well, there is the one about a priest, a rabbi, a minister and a ham sandwich...

Joseph Holbrook said...

I'm waiting for the punch line!

did you hear about when Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes went camping? In the middle of the night Sherlock Holmes woke up Watson and said "Watson, look at the stars and tell me what you deduce..."

Watson looked up and said, "I deduce that the universe is vast, that man is insignificant, that there is order and purpose to the cosmos ..."

Holmes said, "NO you idiot, someone stole our tent!"

John M. said...

Dr. Watson -- a true philosepher!

Speaking of the Calvinist and the steps... I'm glad that 2009 is over.

John M. said...

Oh yes, thanks for the "cultural enlightenment" Joseph. I hadn't realized that I was so cultured.

Unknown said...

Your Calvinist-down-the-stairs story reminded me of something the great Garrison Keillor told.

"The last time the name of Jesus Christ was uttered in the Lake Wobegon Unitarian Church was the day the janitor fell down the stairs."

Joseph Holbrook said...


Garrison Keillor! I have been meaning to read a book by him that is sitting on my shelf. I love his Prairie Home Companion on the radio.

Unknown said...

I've read many/most of Keillor's books. Most are just a full-throttle joy.

Joseph Holbrook said...

sigh ...

some day I will be able to return to leisurely reading for pleasure. Graduate studies have almost ruined that side of me.

The older I get the more I appreciate good humor. Speaking of which, I caught the tail end of "40-year-old Virgin" the other night. I think I am going to rent it and watch it with Deb.