Sunday, June 27, 2010

Afganistan strategy and Generations

I read an informative and level-headed article about the firing of General McChristal, and what the Rolling Stone article reveals about our military and counter-insurgency strategy.

What the McChrystal flap is about

David Kaiser is an historian who writes extensively about generational theory using Strauss and Howe's theory from their book

Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069

I have recently been re-reading parts of Generations and finding some helpful insights into the current generation of national leadership as well as my son's rising millennial generation.


steve H said...

Just checked. Will read the article soon.

Hemraj said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SteveBrad said...

I normally prefer reading news paper every day, but one fine day while checking my e-mails, one of my friends ping me your article. I wasn’t very keen in reading thinking that it would be a trash, but later after reading it I realized that I was wrong and your article was just out of the world. I should thank my friends now!!!
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